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What should be paid attention to when using smart POS cash register?
Source: | Author:HUARUI | Published time: 2020-01-02 | 3337 Views | Share:

When it comes to cash registers, many offline stores should be familiar with them. Today's smart cash registers are also diverse with many different functions. Today, Hua Rui would like to talks about the precautions for the use of the pos equipment from the professional performance of the cash register manufacturers.

How to use smart POS cash register safely and correctly?

Many customers who use POS cash register for the first time do not know how to use the cash register safely. Therefore, many cash registers have been damaged and cannot work. If the cash register is returned to the factory for repairs, but the store is still operating, it will be a problem for merchants and clients. So how to use the smart POS cash register safely and correctly?

Here HRET conclude 12 simple parts which may help you

1. Select a flat and vibration-free table to place the cash register.
2. The location of the cash register should be chosen to avoid direct sunlight, little temperature change, and away from water and less dust.
3. Keep the cash register away from strong electromagnetic fields.
4. In areas or stores with poor grid quality, a stable voltage power supply should be provided for the cash register to supply power separately.
5. Please pay attention to using the same power supply voltage as indicated on the nameplate on the back of the case, otherwise the machine will be severely damaged or unable to work. The cash register is best not to share a socket with other high-power frequently started appliances, such as refrigerators and air conditioners. The power socket should also be located near the cash register and easily accessible, so that the power can be cut off as quickly as possible in an emergency.
6. Make sure that the cash register is not in contact with any liquid. Once this happens, please unplug the power plug immediately and notify the relevant dealer immediately.
7. Do not vibrate, shake or hit the cash register vigorously.
8. Avoid using the cash register in an environment with excessively high or low temperature, and avoid exposing the cash register to strong sunlight or high humidity environment.
9. Do not insert or remove live parts and peripherals of the cash register while it is live.
10. When cleaning the cash register, please do not wipe the body with a damp cloth or chemicals. Such as: gasoline, thinner, etc.
11. When the cash register fails, immediately cut off the power and stop using it. Do not open or repair without permission.
12. Risk of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Use only replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer for the same or equivalent type. Always dispose of used batteries in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Finally, HRET hopes that the above will help you.

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