Restaurant System
At present, the environment of the catering industry is becoming competitive. The reason for customers to choose a restaurant is not limited to taste, but also includes the restaurant image, ordering method, checkout experience, and customer service. What is more, the catering industry is facing the following difficulties due to its different operating characteristics from other service industries.

1.The sales process is complicated. The sales process of the general industry is purchase, storage, and sales. But the layout of the restaurant can be divided into the front room (dining), the bar (counter), and the back kitchen (operating room). The general industry needs only strict management to reduce inventory. The catering industry must unify the management of the three departments of the front room, the bar counter, and the back kitchen to avoid material waste and loss.

2. The collection process is complex. The catering industry adopts a service mode in which the customer first consumes and then pays, and it takes a long time from the start of the transaction to the final checkout. During this period, complex operations such as adding food, retiring, changing, discounting, and multi-table unified billing are also complex. And old common cash registers can only handle buy-to-pay collection method, its function can not meet the needs of the catering industry now.

3. Data statistics are difficult. Manually processing data is not only error-prone but also costly. And the traditional cash register can only complete transactions without information collection and data analysis. Causes restaurants not be able to check inventory, quantity, customer loyalty and tastes efficiently.

How it works

1.Operate cash register system in Hua Rui’s Pos Terminal
2.Choose a table number for customers and choose the number of people to eat
3.After customer finish ordering, click order button on Hua Rui’s Pos, and it will generate a bill to confirm with the customer. After confirmation, the back kitchen will make orders and the waiter will deliver the meals directly according to the table number.
4.After finishes the meal, customers can choose payment method, and then sales select the payment as customers want.
5.Payment is completed and the receipt is printed for confirmation.

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